2’s & 3’s

2’s Program – Our 2’s program we will help the children learn their social and emotional skills!
3’s Program – The 3’s program we will help them learn daily routines, consistency and being a good friend.

Here at Adventure Park USA Childcare we take pride in teaching the children by guided age appropriate milestones.  We have weekly themes based on the month, activities happening during times of the year, and holidays.  Some of the themes we discuss are family, feelings, community helpers, dental health, earth day and summer time fun.  Each theme is integrated into various learning domains: art, social studies, science, math, language and literacy, dramatic play, games and movement.  We strive on positive reinforcement instead of “Time Out”.  If the child needs some personal quite time then we will offer a safe space for them to reset.  In all of our programs we help the children learn through play and focus on how they learn.  Each child is an individual and is treated as such!  

Emphasis is placed on the social/emotional skills of sharing, communication, self-concept, and meeting children’s personal needs. Children have many opportunities for indoor and outdoor gross motor as well as using the attractions.

Now Proudly Accepting:

MD's Child Care Scholarship​

MSDE Childcare Scholarship

Adventure Park USA Childcare is now proud to accept Maryland’s Child Care Scholarship Vouchers